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IDP's PPG in Public Administration stands out for its high degree of social insertion in various spheres of society. This insertion is manifested in numerous research and extension activities carried out by the Program throughout the quadrennium. Over time, these activities have expanded significantly, based on “Perspective 4: Economic and Social Impact and Internationalization”, of the PPG Strategic Planning.


Our Professor have high impact scores, as measured by Scopus, Google Scholar, Spell and other indexers. The total number of citations to works by our permanent faculty is over 14,000, according to Google Scholar. The Google Scholar H and i10 averages of our permanent faculty are 11.37 and 18.15, respectively. According to Google Scholar, the average number of citations of permanent professors at the IDP is 744.26. More than 50% of our permanent professors have at least 500 citations and some of our professors have more than a thousand citations. The average Scopus H index was 1.7.


With an educational proposal that seeks to balance theory and practice, based on a teaching methodology that pays special attention to problem solving, analysis of case studies and practical applications of knowledge, it is natural that the PPG also values from Professor to professionals. In this regard, it is worth noting that all professors in the Permanent Teaching Nucleus (NDP) have at least 10 years of experience in Public Administration or related areas (consultancies, international organizations, etc.). The current faculty of the Program has experience in the three branches of the Republic (Executive, Legislative and Judiciary), in the three levels of the federation (Union, States and Municipalities), in entities of Indirect Administration, International Organizations and in the Private Sector. Currently, 95% of the NDP occupy (or occupied during the quadrennium) a prominent position in the Brazilian Public Administration.


The program closely monitors the impact of the NDP's professional activities and intellectual production on information vehicles and the mainstream media in general. Media appearances include news and reports in magazines, newspapers, websites and blogs, as well as radio and TV interviews and the publication of articles in newspapers and magazines. Between 2017-2020 there were about 950 media appearances, 44 interviews and 44 newspaper/magazine articles. It is noteworthy that 95% of the NDP had at least one appearance in media vehicles in the period.


Over the last four years (2017-2020), the PPG has held several smaller and larger-scale academic events to discuss issues related to public administration. Among the larger ones, we highlight two: i) the 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th editions of the International Public Administration Seminar and ii) the 7th edition of the Brazilian Public Administration Meeting (2020).

During the broadcast of the 10th Edition of the Public Administration Seminar (2020), the panels had more than 2,700 views on IDP's Youtube channel, which demonstrates the relevance of the aspects discussed and addressed over the three days of the event. It should be noted that the 11th edition of the event should take place in the second half of 2021.

Another relevant action of the Program was the partnership signed in 2019 with the Brazilian Society of Public Administration (SBAP) for the co-organization and realization of the VII Brazilian Meeting of Public Administration (VII EBAP), which would be held at the physical headquarters of the IDP in Brasília/DF on May 28 and 29, 2020. Due to the pandemic, the event was postponed to the second semester and held entirely online during November 11, 12 and 13, 2020. The partnership was a success. The meeting had approximately 300 participants and more than 230 papers approved for presentation, distributed in 13 work groups.

In 2021, IDP and SBAP will repeat the partnership in holding the 8th edition of EBAP.



The mini-courses had about 100 participants per meeting. In all, there were more than 2 thousand participants, and the event page was accessed almost 17 thousand times over the 10 weeks in which the courses were held (between September and November 2019).

Os minicursos contaram com cerca de 100 participantes por encontro. Ao todo foram mais de 2 mil participantes, sendo que a página do evento foi acessada quase 17 mil vezes ao longo das 10 semanas em que os cursos foram realizados (entre setembro e novembro de 2019).

In the second phase of the project, carried out in the 1st half of 2020, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the first mini-courses of the Espaço Aberto IDP were offered in online broadcasts, always publicly and free of charge. In this phase, a total of 12 courses were offered. Of these, 8 were taught by PPG professors. So far, there have been almost 3,000 views on YouTube of the courses taught at Espaço Aberto IDP.

Open Class

In the 2nd semester of 2020, motivated by the success of the Espaço Aberto Project and by the perception of the importance that an educational institution has to play in a context of serious health, economic and social crisis, the PPG decided to expand the Espaço Aberto project. The “Open Class Project” was then created, which differs from its predecessor in three important characteristics: i) the courses offered are of medium duration (on average, 10 hours per course); ii) the project was extended to other areas of the IDP, especially to the areas of communication and law; iii) for some courses, professors from outside the IDP were invited. However, two fundamental characteristics were maintained: the courses continued to be totally open to society and 100% free.

Despite all the adversities caused by the new Coronavirus pandemic, the “Open Class” was, therefore, an opportunity to expand access to free courses unprecedented in the history of IDP to students from all over Brazil, through online classes. The project has proved to be an unprecedented success. The management and economics courses alone, whose organization is under the direct responsibility of the PPG, brought together more than 25 thousand participants. As in its previous version, all courses of the Open Class project are available on the IDP website for later access (

We make the main project data available in a public Dashboard, which can be accessed through the link:


A relevant channel that enhances the economic, social and cultural impact of the PPG is the Program's research groups. Whether through academic production or technical production, the research initiatives carried out within the scope of the PPG research groups, combined with the professional performance of professors, have generated concrete and relevant results for Brazilian society. Below, for illustrative purposes, we list concrete and relevant results from eight professors and their respective research groups.

The first Education Innovation Laboratory in Brazil

Professor Pedro Cavalcante, in addition to leading the group “Innovation and Public Policies in Contemporary Brazil”, teaches the discipline “Public Policy Laboratory: Innovation in Government”. The objective of this elective course is to advance the understanding of innovation in the public sector from applied theoretical approaches and practical case experiences. The focus of the course is the interactive and collaborative nature of innovative methods/tools aimed at solving public management problems.

Among the participants of the group was the graduate Leomir Araújo, career servant of the National Fund for the Development of Education – FNDE. After completing his Master's, Leomir idealized the creation of the first Laboratory of Innovation in Education in Brazil. Located on the premises of the FNDE, the laboratory aims to provide an environment conducive to creativity and risk, where servers can experiment and test new projects. According to Leomir himself, “our idea was to create a safe space for the server to test, a place where we can experiment to do better, do it differently” ( -information/institutional/press-area/news/item/12186-fnde-lanca-primeiro-laboratorio-innovacao-em-educação-brasil).

Recently, the laboratory was involved in the reformulation of the Caminho da Escola program, whose objective is to renew, standardize and expand the fleet of school vehicles of the basic education networks ( -the-information/institutional/press-area/news/item/13198-laboratrio-de-innovao-do-fnde-works-in-solu es-stratgical-for-advanceos-on-the-way-to-school).

The Proposed Amendment to the Constitution 10/20 PEC of the War Budget

Professor Jose Roberto Afonso is one of the leaders of the group “Public Finance, Taxation and Fiscal Federalism in Brazil”. Right at the beginning of the pandemic, several discussions were led by the professor about the impact of the crisis on the Brazilian budget and the country's ways of reacting to the crisis. Discussions and reflections led Professor Jose Roberto Afonso to propose the idea that became known as the “PEC of the War Budget”, which aimed to separate from the General Budget of the Union the expenses committed to facing the coronavirus pandemic ( /noticias/estadao-conteudo/2020/05/07/congresso-promulga-pec-do-orcamento-de-guerra.htm) . PEC nº 10, of 2020, was approved in May 2020 with the support of all parties in the Chamber of Deputies and was one of the most important legislative initiatives of 2020, which ended the discussions about the constitutionality/legality of increasing, exceptionally, public spending in 2020, being a key element for, for example, the approval of emergency aid and the emergency plan to maintain employment and income.

The Administrative and Social Security Reform of the State of Rio Grande do Sul

Professor Leany Lemos, leader of the research group on “Governmental Management Planning”, in 2020 was also occupying the title of the Secretary of Planning, Budget and Management of the State of Rio Grande do Sul. On that occasion, he was responsible for another of the most important technical products of the program in the four-year period: the text of the Administrative and Social Security Reform of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, a collective work under the leadership of Professor Lean.

The reform represented a great innovation for the public administration of Rio Grande do Sul and was composed of eight (8) broad projects aimed at promoting fiscal adjustment in the State and the modernization of the public machine. The projected impact for 10 years is R$ 17 billion. The expectation is that the effects will already begin to be noticed in the first half of 2020, with a reduction in the social security deficit and the stabilization of State personnel expenses, of all powers.


Reformulation of the Institutional Repository and creation of the Journal Debates in Public Administration (REDAP)

In order to promote increased publicity for the PPG's bibliographic production, the program carried out a complete reformulation of the Institutional Repository of Dissertations (

Additionally, the PPG launched the “Revista Debates em Administração Pública”, which consists of a Technical Journal aimed at the dissemination of preliminary results of applied studies and research in development by professors, researchers and graduate students with the objective of stimulating the production of and the discussion of relevant technical knowledge in the area of ​​Public Administration.

Journal of Management, Economics and Business (REGEN)

Fulfilling one of the most relevant aspects of its strategic planning, PPG launched, at the end of 2020, the Revista de Gestão, Economia e Negócios (REGEN). The first two editions were released in 2020 and already have ISSN numbers. The expectation is that there will be a gradual evolution in the Qualis strata. The journal bears the name Revista de Gestão, Economia e Negócios, the same name as the School that brings together IDP's professional programs in Public Administration and Economics.


Training Course in Public Administration for High School

Since its inception, the Master's Program has demonstrated its concern with the training of young people in the area of ​​Public Administration. As a way of addressing this concern, the Program has been offering free courses aimed exclusively at training high school students, primarily from public schools. The main objective of the course is to provide high school students with a space for discussion and debate on the main themes of Public Administration with professors from the Master's and Graduation Programs. These courses, over time, have been gaining great adherence from society. From the first edition of the course, held in a classroom for 40 students, to the last one, held in an auditorium with 250 participants, the growth of student interest was significant.

Course - Active Methodologies and Blended Learning

It is noteworthy that the IDP Professional Master's Program in Public Administration held the course Active Methodologies and Blended Teaching in August 2020. This was a free initiative of the Program whose focus was to share the knowledge accumulated by the program since the implementation of the remote teaching regime and help in the training of high school teachers in the Federal District. In this training, the main objective was to support public school teachers with techniques and tools to be used during the resumption of classes in the online or hybrid modalities. The course had 54 people enrolled, all teachers from the public school system.